It's been a such crazy time recently that I didn't even put the slides of my two last talks at Solution Linux and FOSDEM:
Programmation Orientee Aspects pour PHP
Web-specific crosscutting concerns
I particulary enjoyed FOSDEM where I met a lot of GSoCers and the lovely Leslie Hawthorn from Google OSOP.
Since last week, students from all over the world can apply for the Google Summer of Code 2007.
I'm of course drafting a little something related to phpAspect for this occasion ;-)
This summer I will perform an internship at IBM Hursley in UK under the mentoring of Alan Ogilvie from IBM et Gilles Vanwormhoudt from school. It just gonna be great :o)
I heard that I will have plenty of occasions at London to practice my new hobbie.
Sound's like my summmer will be full of PHP!